Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Happy about lice

Kid: I’m actually glad I had lice!‬
‪Mom: Why?‬
‪Kid: ‘Cause now I can tell my friends I had lice before!‬

Monday, January 28, 2019

Andie makes me feel old

Me: Oh my gosh, that's so savage.
Andie: OMG DON'T SAY THAT. No one says that anymore.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy Fourth of July (2018)!

Me: *rolls up sleeve to examine odd-looking insect bite on left arm. I'm assuming it's an ant bite because we have a lot of those crawling around the house these days, although I have my doubts because it looks too big to be an ant bite*

"Does this look like an ant bite? It's really itchy. I keep scratching it."

Andie: "Hey, at least you're patriotic today! You have some red!" :D

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Quote of the day

"These first 10 seconds suck. No bananas. (Ugh.)"

- My brother on trying to beat my high score on Fruit Ninja for a $3 prize

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Morning at Rite Aid

As I approached the cashier...

Cashier: Hi. How are you?
Me: Good, how are you? :)

Of course I was expecting her response to be, "Good, thank you. Did you find everything okay today?" or something along those lines.

Then she placed her hand on the small of her back and leaned toward the side.

Cashier: Oh, I have pains!


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Baby Cockroach/Tiny Bug Cuddled with my Toothbrush Bristles

And now my toothbrush is in the trashcan.


Date-I-don't-remember to Oct. 10, 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Half-Naked Boy Walks Me Home

Yesterday I came home after a quick trip to the library, and as I walked upstairs to my apartment, I was greeted with the most enthusiastic young male.

"Hi!" he said, as he ran toward the top of the stairs.

It was my three-foot-tall Chinese neighbor!

And as usual, he had no pants.

I smiled as warmly as I could and said, "Hi." :)

I walked past him and made my way to my apartment, and seconds later I heard his tiny footsteps thumping rapidly behind me. He followed me until I got to my door, then watched me walk inside.

Inside somewhere, I'm flattered that somebody walked me home yesterday, even if it was just the little boy next door who only seems to know how to say "hi!!!!!!!!!" and never wears any pants. Someone was still looking out for me. Lol.